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“Finally, it’s all in vain”: A Chinese as an additional language teacher’s agency in navigating the teaching-research nexus in a neoliberal Chinese university Journal article
GONG YANG, Zhang Luyao, Li, Wendong (Marco). “Finally, it’s all in vain”: A Chinese as an additional language teacher’s agency in navigating the teaching-research nexus in a neoliberal Chinese university[J]. System, 2024, 125, 103420.
Authors:  GONG YANG;  Zhang Luyao;  Li, Wendong (Marco)
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Agency  Teaching-research Nexus  Chinese As An Additional lAnguage (Cal)  Neoliberal Higher Education  
‘Finally, it's all in vain’: A Chinese as an additional language teacher's agency in navigating the teaching-research nexus in a neoliberal Chinese university Journal article
Gong, Yang (Frank), Zhang, Luyao (Elva), Li, Wendong (Marco). ‘Finally, it's all in vain’: A Chinese as an additional language teacher's agency in navigating the teaching-research nexus in a neoliberal Chinese university[J]. System, 2024, 125.
Authors:  Gong, Yang (Frank);  Zhang, Luyao (Elva);  Li, Wendong (Marco)
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.9/5.5 | Submit date:2024/09/03
Agency  Chinese as an additional language (CAL)  Neoliberal higher education  Teaching-research nexus