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Healthy lifestyle and the risk of depression recurrence requiring hospitalisation and mortality among adults with pre-existing depression: a prospective cohort study Journal article
Cao, Zhi, Min, Jiahao, Xiang, Yu Tao, Wang, Xiaohe, Xu, Chenjie. Healthy lifestyle and the risk of depression recurrence requiring hospitalisation and mortality among adults with pre-existing depression: a prospective cohort study[J]. BMJ mental health, 2024, 27(1), e300915.
Authors:  Cao, Zhi;  Min, Jiahao;  Xiang, Yu Tao;  Wang, Xiaohe;  Xu, Chenjie
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2024/05/02
Depression  Depression & Mood Disorders  Psychiatry  
A network model of depressive and anxiety symptoms: a statistical evaluation Review article
Authors:  Cai, Hong;  Chen, Meng Yi;  Li, Xiao Hong;  Zhang, Ling;  Su, Zhaohui; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:9.6/11.1 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Sleep  Stress  Amygdala  Mental-health  Social Support  Managing Fatigue  Cognitive Control  Prefrontal Cortex  Attentional Control  Mood Disorders