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Over-Activation of Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 10 Promotes Genomic Instability in Early Stages of Breast Cancer Journal article
Mughal, Muhammad Jameel, Chan, Kin Iong, Mahadevappa, Ravikiran, Wong, Sin Wa, Wai, Kit Cheng, Kwok, Hang Fai. Over-Activation of Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 10 Promotes Genomic Instability in Early Stages of Breast Cancer[J]. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022, 18(9), 3827-3844.
Authors:  Mughal, Muhammad Jameel;  Chan, Kin Iong;  Mahadevappa, Ravikiran;  Wong, Sin Wa;  Wai, Kit Cheng; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:8.2/8.3 | Submit date:2022/08/01
Breast Cancer  Dna Damage Response  Dna Replication  Genomic Instability  Mcm10  
DNA replication licensing protein MCM10 promotes tumor progression and is a novel prognostic biomarker and potential therapeutic target in breast cancer Journal article
Mahadevappa R., Neves H., Yuen S.M., Jameel M., Bai Y., Yuen H.-F., Zhang S.-D., Zhu Y., Lin Y., Kwok H.F.. DNA replication licensing protein MCM10 promotes tumor progression and is a novel prognostic biomarker and potential therapeutic target in breast cancer[J]. Cancers, 2018, 10(9).
Authors:  Mahadevappa R.;  Neves H.;  Yuen S.M.;  Jameel M.;  Bai Y.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:32 TC[Scopus]:32 | Submit date:2018/12/19
Breast Cancer  Knockdown  Mcm10  Overexpression  Proliferation  Survival