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A Translation Experiment Based on Intuitions of Jiri Levy: The Translator as an Actor, and the Translator as a Theater Director Conference paper
Abi-Samara, Raquel. A Translation Experiment Based on Intuitions of Jiri Levy: The Translator as an Actor, and the Translator as a Theater Director[C], Hong Kong:Hong Kong Baptist University and City University of Hong Kong, 2014.
Authors:  Abi-Samara, Raquel
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/11
TrAnslator As An Actor  Translator As a Theater Director  MartIn Luther In Portuguese  
Comentários sobre os Salmos e os motivos da tradução (Original title: Summarien über die Psalmen und Ursachen des Dolmetschens) Book chapter
出自: Clássicos da Teoria da Tradução. VI Antologia de Tradução do Renascimento, Florianopolis:UFSC, 2006, 页码:136-159
Authors:  Abi-Samara, Raquel;  Luther, Martin
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/09
Renaissance Period And Translation  Martin Luther  Bible Translation  Translation Studies  
Martin Luther: ‘efeito de distanciamento’ e camadas temporais na tradução (“Distancing Effect” /Verfremdungseffekt and layers of time in the translation of Martin Luther into Portuguese). Conference paper
Abi-Samara, Raquel. Martin Luther: ‘efeito de distanciamento’ e camadas temporais na tradução (“Distancing Effect” /Verfremdungseffekt and layers of time in the translation of Martin Luther into Portuguese).[C], São Paulo:Abrapa (Associação Brasileira dos Professores de Alemão), 2006.
Authors:  Abi-Samara, Raquel
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/08
Martin Luther  Verfremdungseffekt And Translation