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Fully Symmetrical Obfuscated Interconnection and Weak-PUF-Assisted Challenge Obfuscation Strong PUFs Against Machine-Learning Modeling Attacks Journal article
Xu, Chongyao, Zhang, Litao, Mak, Pui In, Martins, Rui P., Law, Man Kay. Fully Symmetrical Obfuscated Interconnection and Weak-PUF-Assisted Challenge Obfuscation Strong PUFs Against Machine-Learning Modeling Attacks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2024, 19, 3927-3942.
Authors:  Xu, Chongyao;  Zhang, Litao;  Mak, Pui In;  Martins, Rui P.;  Law, Man Kay
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:6.3/7.3 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Physical Unclonable Function (Puf)  Machine Learning (Ml)  Modeling Attack  Symmetrical Obfuscated Interconnection (Soi)  Challenge Obfuscation  Reverse Engineering (Re)  
Modeling Attack Resistant Strong PUF Exploiting Stagewise Obfuscated Interconnections With Improved Reliability Journal article
Xu, Chongyao, Zhang, Litao, Law, Man Kay, Zhao, Xiaojin, Mak, Pui In, Martins, Rui P.. Modeling Attack Resistant Strong PUF Exploiting Stagewise Obfuscated Interconnections With Improved Reliability[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, 10(18), 16300 - 16315.
Authors:  Xu, Chongyao;  Zhang, Litao;  Law, Man Kay;  Zhao, Xiaojin;  Mak, Pui In; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:16  IF:8.2/9.0 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Field-programmable Gate Array (Fpga)  Machine Learning (Ml) Modeling Attack  Obfuscated Interconnection (Oi)  Physical Unclonable Function (Puf)  
Transfer-Path-Based Hardware-Reuse Strong PUF Achieving Modeling Attack Resilience With >200 Million Training CRPs Journal article
Xu, Chongyao, Zhang, Jieyun, Law, Man-Kay, Zhao, Xiaojin, Mak, Pui-In, Martins, Rui P.. Transfer-Path-Based Hardware-Reuse Strong PUF Achieving Modeling Attack Resilience With >200 Million Training CRPs[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2023, 18, 2188 - 2203.
Authors:  Xu, Chongyao;  Zhang, Jieyun;  Law, Man-Kay;  Zhao, Xiaojin;  Mak, Pui-In; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:6.3/7.3 | Submit date:2023/03/29
Field-programmable Gate Array (Fpga)  Hardware Reuse  Machine Learning (Ml) Attack  Multiplier  Physical Unclonable Function (Puf)  Response Stream (Rs)  Transfer Path (Tp)