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High-throughput extracellular pH monitoring and antibiotics screening by polymeric fluorescent sensor with LCST property Journal article
Pan,Tingting, Yang,Cheng, Li,Jiaze, Jiang,Jiapei, Wen,Jiaxing, Wang,Zijin, Zhong,Ke, Tian,Yanqing, Chen,Meiwan. High-throughput extracellular pH monitoring and antibiotics screening by polymeric fluorescent sensor with LCST property[J]. Methods, 2019, 168, 51-61.
Authors:  Pan,Tingting;  Yang,Cheng;  Li,Jiaze;  Jiang,Jiapei;  Wen,Jiaxing; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:4.2/3.8 | Submit date:2021/03/01
Antibiotics Activity  Extracellular Ph Monitoring  Lower Critical Solution Temperature  Ph Sensors  Polymers