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A portable transmitter based on permanent magnets for low-frequency communications in multi-scenario with complex media Journal article
Cui,Yong, Wang,Chen, Song,Xiao, Li,Liang Ya, Yuan,Zhihong, Li,Zhaoyang, Zhong,Junwen. A portable transmitter based on permanent magnets for low-frequency communications in multi-scenario with complex media[J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2023, 358, 114428.
Authors:  Cui,Yong;  Wang,Chen;  Song,Xiao;  Li,Liang Ya;  Yuan,Zhihong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:4.1/4.0 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Electromagnetic Field Simulation  Low-frequency (Lf) Communication  Modeling  Permanent Magnet  Portable Transmitters  
Model, Design, and Testing of an Electret-Based Portable Transmitter for Low-Frequency Applications Journal article
Wang, Chen, Cui, Yong, Song, Xiao, Zhong, Junwen, Wei, Minsong, Wu, Ming, Yuan, Haiwen. Model, Design, and Testing of an Electret-Based Portable Transmitter for Low-Frequency Applications[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, 2021, 69(9), 5305-5314.
Authors:  Wang, Chen;  Cui, Yong;  Song, Xiao;  Zhong, Junwen;  Wei, Minsong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:30 TC[Scopus]:34  IF:4.6/5.0 | Submit date:2021/11/30
Electret  Low Frequency (Lf)  Magnetic Field  Modeling  Portable Transmitter