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Application of High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography Preparative Separation of Flavone C-Glycosides From Lophatherum gracile Journal article
Tang,Qingfa, Wang,Ying, Chen,Mei, Zhang,Qingwen, Fan,Chunlin, Huang,Xiaojun, Li,Yaolan, Ye,Wencai. Application of High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography Preparative Separation of Flavone C-Glycosides From Lophatherum gracile[J]. Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia), 2013, 48(12), 1906-1912.
Authors:  Tang,Qingfa;  Wang,Ying;  Chen,Mei;  Zhang,Qingwen;  Fan,Chunlin; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:2.3/2.4 | Submit date:2021/03/02
Flavone C-glycoside  Gramineae  High-speed Counter-current Chromatography  Lophatherum Gracile  
Flavone C-glycosides from the leaves of Lophatherum gracile and their in vitro antiviral activity Journal article
Wang Y., Chen M., Zhang J., Zhang X.-L., Huang X.-J., Wu X., Zhang Q.-W., Li Y.-L., Ye W.-C.. Flavone C-glycosides from the leaves of Lophatherum gracile and their in vitro antiviral activity[J]. Planta Medica, 2012, 78(1), 46-51.
Authors:  Wang Y.;  Chen M.;  Zhang J.;  Zhang X.-L.;  Huang X.-J.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:47 TC[Scopus]:53  IF:2.1/2.8 | Submit date:2018/12/28
Antivirus Activity  Flavone c -glycoside  Gramineae  Lophatherum Gracile  Rsv  
Chemical constituents from the leaves of Lophatherum gracile Journal article
Zhang,Jing, Wang,Ying, Zhang,Xiao Qi, Zhang,Qing Wen, Ye,Wen Cai. Chemical constituents from the leaves of Lophatherum gracile[J]. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2009, 7(6), 428-431.
Authors:  Zhang,Jing;  Wang,Ying;  Zhang,Xiao Qi;  Zhang,Qing Wen;  Ye,Wen Cai
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:35 | Submit date:2021/03/02
Flavonoid  Flavonolignan  Lophatherum Gracile