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Extradition treaties and emerging market firms’ host country location choice✰ Journal article
Hu, Tianyou, Yu, Shu, Delios, Andrew. Extradition treaties and emerging market firms’ host country location choice✰[J]. Journal of World Business, 2024, 59(4), 101542.
Authors:  Hu, Tianyou;  Yu, Shu;  Delios, Andrew
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:8.9/9.2 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Chinese State-owned Enterprises  Emerging Market Firms  Extradition  Fdi  Interstate Cooperation  Location Choice  
Extradition treaties and emerging market firms’ host country location choice Journal article
HU TIANYOU, Yu Shu, Andrew Delios. Extradition treaties and emerging market firms’ host country location choice[J]. Journal of World Business, 2024, 59(4), 101542.
Authors:  HU TIANYOU;  Yu Shu;  Andrew Delios
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:8.9/9.2 | Submit date:2024/07/22
Chinese State-owned Enterprises  Emerging Market Firms  Extradition  Fdi  Interstate Cooperation  Location Choice  
Sister Cities, Cross-National FDI and the Subnational FDI Location Decision. Journal article
HU TIANYOU, Siddharth Natarajan, Andrew Delios3. Sister Cities, Cross-National FDI and the Subnational FDI Location Decision.[J]. Journal of International Business Studies, 2021.
Authors:  HU TIANYOU;  Siddharth Natarajan;  Andrew Delios3
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:26 TC[Scopus]:28 | Submit date:2023/09/18
Intergovernmental Ties  Decentralization  Subnational Location Choice  Sister Cities  Country Selection  
A contingent view on the importance of inertia and mimicry in location choices by Chinese MNCs Journal article
Lin Yuan, Nitin Pangarkar. A contingent view on the importance of inertia and mimicry in location choices by Chinese MNCs[J]. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2016, 8(3), 255-275.
Authors:  Lin Yuan;  Nitin Pangarkar
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/10/17
Location Choice  Inter-organisational Mimicry  Structural Inertia  Chinese Mncs  Multinational Corporations  China  Contingent View  International Locations  Location Selection  Facility Location  
The interactive effect of time and host country location on Chinese MNCs' performance: An empirical investigation Journal article
Lin Yuan, Nitin Pangarkar, Jie Wu. The interactive effect of time and host country location on Chinese MNCs' performance: An empirical investigation[J]. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 2016, 51(2), 331-342.
Authors:  Lin Yuan;  Nitin Pangarkar;  Jie Wu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:28 TC[Scopus]:29  IF:8.9/9.2 | Submit date:2019/10/03
Internationalizan  Location Choice  Internalization  Organizational Learning