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Modeling dichotomous technology use among university EFL teachers in China: The roles of TPACK, affective and evaluative attitudes towards technology Journal article
Zhang, Meng, Chen, Sitong. Modeling dichotomous technology use among university EFL teachers in China: The roles of TPACK, affective and evaluative attitudes towards technology[J]. Cogent Education, 2022, 9(1), 2013396.
Authors:  Zhang, Meng;  Chen, Sitong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:29  IF:1.5/1.6 | Submit date:2022/05/17
Attitudes Towards Technology  Computer Assisted Language Learning  English As a Foreign Language  Teacher Professional Development  Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge  Technology Integration  
Transforming learning into export performance by Chinese firms Journal article
Mac,Lancy, Evangelista,Felicitas. Transforming learning into export performance by Chinese firms[J]. Asia Pacific Business Review, 2017, 23(4), 493-508.
Authors:  Mac,Lancy;  Evangelista,Felicitas
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4 | Submit date:2019/08/02
China  Export Performance  Knowledge Integration  Learning Orientation  Market Learning  Organizational Learning  
The meaningful e-marketplace Conference paper
Jingzhi Guo, Guangyi Xiao. The meaningful e-marketplace[C], 2010, 163-170.
Authors:  Jingzhi Guo;  Guangyi Xiao
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/02/13
Concept  Electronic Marketplace  Knowledge Representation  Meaningful Emarketplace  Memp  Ontology  Semantic Integration