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Effect of intense rainfall and high riverine water level on compound flood hazards in a river-valley city: A case study of Yingde, China Journal article
Gao, Liang, Mei, Jiangpeng, Li, Jinhui, Zhang, Wensheng, Lai, Chengguang. Effect of intense rainfall and high riverine water level on compound flood hazards in a river-valley city: A case study of Yingde, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 625(B), 130044.
Authors:  Gao, Liang;  Mei, Jiangpeng;  Li, Jinhui;  Zhang, Wensheng;  Lai, Chengguang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:5.9/6.4 | Submit date:2023/09/22
Compound Flood  Copula  Flood Hazards  Joint Probability Distribution  Levees  Overtopping  
Developing a prediction model for segment joint opening in an underwater shield tunnel Journal article
Liu, Jin Quan, Yuen, Ka Veng, Ke, Jin Fu, Chen, Wei Zhong. Developing a prediction model for segment joint opening in an underwater shield tunnel[J]. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2023, 41(2), 132 - 141.
Authors:  Liu, Jin Quan;  Yuen, Ka Veng;  Ke, Jin Fu;  Chen, Wei Zhong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:2.0/2.5 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Bmcs Method  Probability  Segment Joint Opening  Structural Health Monitoring  Underwater Shield Tunnel  
Flood risk assessment of loss of life for a coastal city under the compound effect of storm surge and rainfall Journal article
Yan Li, Wan-Huan Zhou, Ping Shen. Flood risk assessment of loss of life for a coastal city under the compound effect of storm surge and rainfall[J]. Urban Climate, 2023, 47, 101396.
Authors:  Yan Li;  Wan-Huan Zhou;  Ping Shen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:19 TC[Scopus]:25  IF:6.0/6.3 | Submit date:2023/02/08
Compound Flood  Copula Joint Probability  Coupled Hydrodynamic Model  Flood Risk  Loss Of Life  
A novel joint tracker based on occlusion detection Journal article
Li X., He Z., You X., Philip Chen C.L.. A novel joint tracker based on occlusion detection[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 71, 409-418.
Authors:  Li X.;  He Z.;  You X.;  Philip Chen C.L.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:22 TC[Scopus]:22 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Joint Probability  Occlusion Prediction  Sparse Representation  Template Update  Visual Object Tracking