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Longitudinal relations between teacher support and academic achievement among Chinese children: Disentangling between‑ and within-student associations Journal article
Zhou, Jianhua, Gong, Xue, Li, Xiaofei. Longitudinal relations between teacher support and academic achievement among Chinese children: Disentangling between‑ and within-student associations[J]. Journal of School Psychology, 2024, 103, 101287.
Authors:  Zhou, Jianhua;  Gong, Xue;  Li, Xiaofei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.8/5.6 | Submit date:2024/05/02
Academic Achievement  Between- And Within-student Effects  Teacher Emotional Support  Teacher Instrumental Support  
Ehealth and lifestyle change: The mediating roles of social support and patient empowerment Journal article
Piper Liping Liu, Yu Zheng, Xinshu Zhao. Ehealth and lifestyle change: The mediating roles of social support and patient empowerment[J]. Digital Health, 2023, 9, 1-8.
Authors:  Piper Liping Liu;  Yu Zheng;  Xinshu Zhao
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Ehealth  Emotional Support  Instrumental Support  Patent Empowerment  Lifestyle