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充分利用幾何圖形的特點,發展學生的觀察能力和交流能力  以《圓與圓的位置關係》為例 Journal article
盧有仔, 吳少潔, 江春蓮. 充分利用幾何圖形的特點,發展學生的觀察能力和交流能力  以《圓與圓的位置關係》為例[J]. 教師雜誌, 2023, 72, 50-54.
Authors:  盧有仔;  吳少潔;  江春蓮
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Mathematics Education  Mathematics Instructional Design  Concept Image  Circles  
Instructional Design Workshop Presentation
报告日期: 2022-07-20
Authors:  Katrine K. Wong
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E-learning  Instructional Design  Quality Assurance  
Educating pre-primary teachers to teach for multiple intelligences Journal article
Kwok Cheung CHEUNG. Educating pre-primary teachers to teach for multiple intelligences[J]. New Horizons in Education, 2006(53), 103-113.
Authors:  Kwok Cheung CHEUNG
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Individually Configured Education  Instructional Design  Multiple Intelligences