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The Global Institutional Governance of AI: A Four-Dimensional Perspective Journal article
Neuwirth, Rostam J.. The Global Institutional Governance of AI: A Four-Dimensional Perspective[J]. International Journal of Digital Law and Governance, 2024.
Authors:  Neuwirth, Rostam J.
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Ai Governance  International Institutional System  Artificial Intelligence  Electronic Governance  Institutional Reform  Four-dimensional Thinking  
XX XX Journal article
Neuwirth, R.J.. XX XX[J]. Frontiers of Legal Research, 2013, 127-144.
Authors:  Neuwirth, R.J.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/01
Global Governance  Creative Economy  Change  Sustainable Development  International Law  United Nations  Institutional Reform  Comparative Law  
Global Governance and the Creative Economy: The Developing versus Developed Country Dichotomy Revisited Journal article
Neuwirth, Rostam J.. Global Governance and the Creative Economy: The Developing versus Developed Country Dichotomy Revisited[J]. Frontiers of Legal Research, 2013, 1(1), 127-144.
Authors:  Neuwirth, Rostam J.
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Global Governance  Creative Economy  Change  Sustainable Development  International Law  United Nations  Institutional Reform  Comparative Law  
zz zz Journal article
Neuwirth, R.J.. zz zz[J]. EUI Working Paper LAW 2010/20, 2011, 1-51.
Authors:  ; et al.
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Global Governance  Change  Development  International Law  United Nations  Institutional Reform  Comparative Constitutional Law  
A Constitutional Tribute to Global Governance: Overcoming the Chimera of the Developing-Developed Country Dichotomy Journal article
Neuwirth, Rostam J.. A Constitutional Tribute to Global Governance: Overcoming the Chimera of the Developing-Developed Country Dichotomy[J]. EUI Working Papers LAW, 2010, 20, 1-64.
Authors:  Neuwirth, Rostam J.
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Global Governance  Change  Development  International Law  United Nations  Institutional Reform  Comparative Constitutional Law