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Incremental intelligence mindset, fear of failure, and academic coping Journal article
Vivienne Y. K. Tao, Yun Li, Anise M. S. Wu. Incremental intelligence mindset, fear of failure, and academic coping[J]. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 2022, 16.
Authors:  Vivienne Y. K. Tao;  Yun Li;  Anise M. S. Wu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:2.8/2.4 | Submit date:2023/01/11
Implicit Theories Of Intelligence  Incremental Theories  Growth Mindset  Coping  Fear Of Failure  
The influence of consumers' implicit self-theories on homestay accommodation selection Journal article
Leung, Daniel, Tuan Phong, Ly, Fong, Lawrence Hoc Nang, Zhang, Carol Xiaoyue. The influence of consumers' implicit self-theories on homestay accommodation selection[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2021, 23(6), 1059-1072.
Authors:  Leung, Daniel;  Tuan Phong, Ly;  Fong, Lawrence Hoc Nang;  Zhang, Carol Xiaoyue
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:4.1/4.7 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Accommodation Choice  Entity Theorist  Homestays  Implicit Self-theories  Incremental Theorist  Signalling Mechanism  Theories  
Is the incremental theory of intelligence a key to students' motivational engagement? The moderating effects of self-enhancement and self-criticism Journal article
Wei-Wen Chen, Ching-Chen Chen, Chia-Liang Dai, Nok Man U, Lin Cheng. Is the incremental theory of intelligence a key to students' motivational engagement? The moderating effects of self-enhancement and self-criticism[J]. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 2018, 26(6), 730-744.
Authors:  Wei-Wen Chen;  Ching-Chen Chen;  Chia-Liang Dai;  Nok Man U;  Lin Cheng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:3.7/4.5 | Submit date:2018/10/31
Implicit Theories  Incremental Beliefs  Self-enhancement  Self-criticism  Motivational Engagement  
Talking about Good and Bad Learners: Linguistic Dimension of Implicit Theories of Intelligence Journal article
Allan B. I. Bernardo. Talking about Good and Bad Learners: Linguistic Dimension of Implicit Theories of Intelligence[J]. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 2012, 10(26), 195-212.
Authors:  Allan B. I. Bernardo
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/08/08
Implicit Theories Of Intelligence  Entity Theory  Incremental Theory  Linguistic Practices  Linguistic Category Model  Philippines