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Simplified and Improved Patch Ordering for Diabetes Mellitus detection Conference paper
Shu,Ting, Zhang,Bob, Tang,Yuan Yan. Simplified and Improved Patch Ordering for Diabetes Mellitus detection[C], 2015, 371-376.
Authors:  Shu,Ting;  Zhang,Bob;  Tang,Yuan Yan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:6 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Diabetes Mellitus  Facial Block  Improved Patch Ordering  Simplified Patch Ordering  Texture Feature  
Simplified and Improved Patch Ordering for Diabetes Mellitus Detection Conference paper
Ting Shu, Bob Zhang, Yuan Yan Tang. Simplified and Improved Patch Ordering for Diabetes Mellitus Detection[C]:IEEE, 2015, 371-376.
Authors:  Ting Shu;  Bob Zhang;  Yuan Yan Tang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:6 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Diabetes Mellitus  Facial Block  Improved Patch Ordering  Simplified Patch Ordering  Texture Feature