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Thermomechanical properties of silica–epoxy nanocomposite modified by hyperbranched polyester: A molecular dynamics simulation Journal article
Zhang, Jianwen, Wang, Dongwei, Wang, Lujia, Zuo, Wanwan, Ma, Xiaohua, Du, Shuai, Zhou, Lijun. Thermomechanical properties of silica–epoxy nanocomposite modified by hyperbranched polyester: A molecular dynamics simulation[J]. High Performance Polymers, 2021, 33(10), 1153-1164.
Authors:  Zhang, Jianwen;  Wang, Dongwei;  Wang, Lujia;  Zuo, Wanwan;  Ma, Xiaohua; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:1.8/1.8 | Submit date:2022/01/14
Hyperbranched Polyester  Microstructure  Molecular Dynamics  Silica–epoxy Nanocomposites  Thermomechanical Properties  
Effect of terminal groups on thermomechanical and dielectric properties of silica–epoxy composite modified by hyperbranched polyester Journal article
Zhang, Jianwen, Wang, Dongwei, Wang, Lujia, Zuo, Wanwan, Zhou, Lijun, Hu, Xue, Bao, Dingyu. Effect of terminal groups on thermomechanical and dielectric properties of silica–epoxy composite modified by hyperbranched polyester[J]. Polymers, 2021, 13(15).
Authors:  Zhang, Jianwen;  Wang, Dongwei;  Wang, Lujia;  Zuo, Wanwan;  Zhou, Lijun; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:4.7/4.9 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Dielectric Properties  Hyperbranched Polyester  Molecular Dynamics  Silica–epoxy Composite  Terminal Groups  Thermomechanical Properties