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Identify the core bacterial microbiome of hydrocarbon degradation and a shift of dominant methanogenesis pathways in oil and aqueous phases of petroleum reservoirs with different temperatures from Chi Journal article
Zhichao Zhou, Bo Liang, Li-Ying Wang, Jin-Feng Liu, Bo-Zhong Mu, Hojae Shim, Ji-Dong Gu. Identify the core bacterial microbiome of hydrocarbon degradation and a shift of dominant methanogenesis pathways in oil and aqueous phases of petroleum reservoirs with different temperatures from Chi[J]. Biogeosciences, 2019.
Authors:  Zhichao Zhou;  Bo Liang;  Li-Ying Wang;  Jin-Feng Liu;  Bo-Zhong Mu; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.9/4.5 | Submit date:2019/05/30
Reservoir  Core Microbiome  Oil And Water Phases  Temperature  Methanogenesis  Hydrocrbon