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More efficient enzymatic cascade reactions by spatially confining enzymes via the SpyTag/SpyCatcher technology Journal article
Zhong, Xuanru, Ma, Yunjian, Zhang, Xizhen, Zhang, Jiahui, Wu, Bin, Hollmann, Frank, Wang, Yonghua. More efficient enzymatic cascade reactions by spatially confining enzymes via the SpyTag/SpyCatcher technology[J]. Molecular Catalysis, 2022, 521.
Authors:  Zhong, Xuanru;  Ma, Yunjian;  Zhang, Xizhen;  Zhang, Jiahui;  Wu, Bin; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:3.9/3.8 | Submit date:2022/09/21
Cvfap  Hydrocarbon Biofuels  Multienzyme Complex  Spytag/spycatcher  Tll