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An efficient level set method based on multi-scale image segmentation and hermite differential operator Journal article
Xiao-Feng Wang, Hai Min, Le Zou, Yi-Gang Zhang, Yuan-Yan Tang, Chun-Lung Philip Chen. An efficient level set method based on multi-scale image segmentation and hermite differential operator[J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 188, 90-101.
Authors:  Xiao-Feng Wang;  Hai Min;  Le Zou;  Yi-Gang Zhang;  Yuan-Yan Tang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:5.5/5.5 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Hermite Differential Operator  Image Segmentation  Intensity Inhomogeneity  Level Set  Multi-scale