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CRL: Collaborative Representation Learning by Coordinating Topic Modeling and Network Embeddings Journal article
Junyang Chen, Zhiguo Gong, Wei Wang, Weiwen Liu, Xiao Dong. CRL: Collaborative Representation Learning by Coordinating Topic Modeling and Network Embeddings[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022, 33(8), 3675-3777.
Authors:  Junyang Chen;  Zhiguo Gong;  Wei Wang;  Weiwen Liu;  Xiao Dong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:10.2/10.4 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Collaborative Representation Learning (Crl)  Global And Local Contexts  Network Embeddings  Network Representation Learning (Nrl)  Topic Modeling