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Investigation of molecular aggregation mechanism of glipizide/cyclodextrin complexation by combined experimental and molecular modeling approaches Journal article
Huang,Tianhe, Zhao,Qianqian, Su,Yan, Ouyang,Defang. Investigation of molecular aggregation mechanism of glipizide/cyclodextrin complexation by combined experimental and molecular modeling approaches[J]. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019, 14(6), 609-620.
Authors:  Huang,Tianhe;  Zhao,Qianqian;  Su,Yan;  Ouyang,Defang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:20 TC[Scopus]:22  IF:10.7/9.0 | Submit date:2021/03/02
Aggregation  Cyclodextrin  Glipizide  Molecular Mechanism  Molecular Modeling  
Investigating molecular interactions of high-loaded glipizide-HPMCAS microparticles by integrated experimental and modeling techniques Journal article
Qiang Li, Qianqian Zhao, Qiufang Jing, Xiaosi Ma, Ning Chen, Guobin Ren, Defang Ouyang, Fuzheng Ren. Investigating molecular interactions of high-loaded glipizide-HPMCAS microparticles by integrated experimental and modeling techniques[J]. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, 2019, 131, 127-135.
Authors:  Qiang Li;  Qianqian Zhao;  Qiufang Jing;  Xiaosi Ma;  Ning Chen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:14 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:4.3/4.2 | Submit date:2020/03/25
Glipizide  Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Acetate  Succinate (Hpmcas)  Molecular Interaction  Molecular Dynamics Simulation  
Mechanism of Drug Release from Compound Metformin/Glipizide Elementary Osmotic Pump Tablets Journal article
OUYANG De-fang, MENG Jin, KONG Cui-feng, NIE Shu-fang, PAN Wei-san. Mechanism of Drug Release from Compound Metformin/Glipizide Elementary Osmotic Pump Tablets[J]. 中国药学英文版 = Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2006, 15(2), 92-96.
Authors:  OUYANG De-fang;  MENG Jin;  KONG Cui-feng;  NIE Shu-fang;  PAN Wei-san
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/01/24
Metformin  Glipizide  Osmotic Pump  Mechanism  
Compound Metformin Glipizide Bilayer Extended Release Tablets : Development and in Vitro Release Journal article
OUYANG De-fang, NIE Shu-fang, MENG Jin, YANG Xing-gang, SONG Zhi-quan, PAN Wei-san. Compound Metformin Glipizide Bilayer Extended Release Tablets : Development and in Vitro Release[J]. 中国药学英文版 = Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2005, 14(3), 169-172.
Authors:  OUYANG De-fang;  NIE Shu-fang;  MENG Jin;  YANG Xing-gang;  SONG Zhi-quan; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/01/23
Metformin  Glipizide  Extended Release  Bilayer Tablet  Stearic Alcohol