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English Writing Instruction in Chinese Students’ Experience: A Survey Study Journal article
Jiang, Lianjiang, Yu, Shulin, Zhou, Nan, Xu, Yiqin. English Writing Instruction in Chinese Students’ Experience: A Survey Study[J]. RELC Journal, 2021, 54(1), 37-54.
Authors:  Jiang, Lianjiang;  Yu, Shulin;  Zhou, Nan;  Xu, Yiqin
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:3.6/3.3 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Genre-oriented Approach  Instructional Approach  L2 Writing  Process-oriented Approach  Product-oriented Approach  
The impact of L2 writing instructional approaches on student writing motivation and engagement Journal article
Yu,Shulin, Jiang,Lianjiang, Zhou,Nan. The impact of L2 writing instructional approaches on student writing motivation and engagement[J]. Language Teaching Research, 2020, 27(4), 958-973.
Authors:  Yu,Shulin;  Jiang,Lianjiang;  Zhou,Nan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:27 TC[Scopus]:32  IF:3.3/4.3 | Submit date:2020/11/06
Genre-oriented Approach  Instructional Approach  Process-oriented Approach  Writing Motivation And Engagement