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Generalized Topology and Design Method for a New Class of Wideband Phase Shifters Based on Multimode Resonators Conference paper
Yun-Peng Lyu, Lei Zhu, Chong-Hu Cheng. Generalized Topology and Design Method for a New Class of Wideband Phase Shifters Based on Multimode Resonators[C], 2019, 1265-1267.
Authors:  Yun-Peng Lyu;  Lei Zhu;  Chong-Hu Cheng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2019/03/27
Wideband Phase Shifter  Multimode Resonator  Generalized Topology  Resonant Mode  Operation Bandwidth  
Ultra-wideband (UWB) phase shifter on multimode resonator: Concept, theory, and design Conference paper
Yun-Peng Lyu, Lei Zhu, Chong-Hu Cheng. Ultra-wideband (UWB) phase shifter on multimode resonator: Concept, theory, and design[C], 2018, 1-4.
Authors:  Yun-Peng Lyu;  Lei Zhu;  Chong-Hu Cheng
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2019/02/12
Design Method  Generalized Topology  Multimode Resonator  Phase Shifter  Ultra-wideband (Uwb)