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Authentic food experiences bring us back to the past: an investigation of a local food night market Journal article
Li, Xiangping, Kong, Weng Hang, Yang, Fiona X.. Authentic food experiences bring us back to the past: an investigation of a local food night market[J]. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2021, 38(3), 233-246.
Authors:  Li, Xiangping;  Kong, Weng Hang;  Yang, Fiona X.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:39 TC[Scopus]:45  IF:8.2/8.5 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Atmosphere Authenticity  Attitudes Toward Local Food  Food Authenticity  Food Night Market  Gastronomy Destination Image  Gastronomy Tourism  Macao  Nostalgia  Past Experience  Revisit Intention