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Ocean internal wave detection in SAR images by combining superpixel segmentation and saliency features 联合超像素分割和显著性特征的 SAR 海洋内波检测 Journal article
Cui, Guangxi, Du, Yanlei, Yang, Xiaofeng, Wang, Sheng, Xu, Xuefeng. Ocean internal wave detection in SAR images by combining superpixel segmentation and saliency features 联合超像素分割和显著性特征的 SAR 海洋内波检测[J]. National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 2024, 28(9), 2335-2347.
Authors:  ; et al.
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Remote Sensing  Ocean Internal Wave  Superpixel Segmentation  Salient Feature Detection  Fourier Energy Spectrum  Synthetic Aperture Radar