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Exploring effects of single-session anodal tDCS over the inferior frontal gyrus on responses to food cues and food cravings among highly disinhibited restrained eaters: A preliminary study Journal article
Chen,Shuaiyu, Jackson,Todd, Dong,Debo, Zhang,Xuemeng, Chen,Hong. Exploring effects of single-session anodal tDCS over the inferior frontal gyrus on responses to food cues and food cravings among highly disinhibited restrained eaters: A preliminary study[J]. Neuroscience Letters, 2019, 706, 211-216.
Authors:  Chen,Shuaiyu;  Jackson,Todd;  Dong,Debo;  Zhang,Xuemeng;  Chen,Hong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:16 | Submit date:2019/07/08
Food Cravings  Inferior Frontal Gyrus  Response Inhibition  Restrained Eaters  Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (Tdcs)  
Exploring effects of single-session anodal tDCS over the inferior frontal gyrus on responses to food cues and food cravings among highly disinhibited restrained eaters: A preliminary study Journal article
Chen,Shuaiyu, Jackson,Todd, Dong,Debo, Zhang,Xuemeng, Chen,Hong. Exploring effects of single-session anodal tDCS over the inferior frontal gyrus on responses to food cues and food cravings among highly disinhibited restrained eaters: A preliminary study[J]. Neuroscience Letters, 2019, 706, 211-216.
Authors:  Chen,Shuaiyu;  Jackson,Todd;  Dong,Debo;  Zhang,Xuemeng;  Chen,Hong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:16 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Food Cravings  Inferior Frontal Gyrus  Response Inhibition  Restrained Eaters  Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (Tdcs)  
Exploring effects of single-session anodal tDCS over the inferior frontal gyrus on responses to food cues and food cravings among highly disinhibited restrained eaters: A preliminary study Journal article
Chen,Shuaiyu, Jackson,Todd, Dong,Debo, Zhang,Xuemeng, Chen,Hong. Exploring effects of single-session anodal tDCS over the inferior frontal gyrus on responses to food cues and food cravings among highly disinhibited restrained eaters: A preliminary study[J]. Neuroscience Letters, 2019, 706, 211-216.
Authors:  Chen,Shuaiyu;  Jackson,Todd;  Dong,Debo;  Zhang,Xuemeng;  Chen,Hong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:16 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Food Cravings  Inferior Frontal Gyrus  Response Inhibition  Restrained Eaters  Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (Tdcs)