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Experimental Study on Fire Performance of Weathered Cedar Journal article
Zhou,Biao, Yoshioka,Hideki, Noguchi,Takafumi, Wang,Xuan, Lam,Chi Chiu. Experimental Study on Fire Performance of Weathered Cedar[J]. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2019, 13(8), 1195-1208.
Authors:  Zhou,Biao;  Yoshioka,Hideki;  Noguchi,Takafumi;  Wang,Xuan;  Lam,Chi Chiu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:2.3/2.6 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Cone Calorimetry (Cone)  Durability Test  Fire Protection  Weathering Test  Wooden Historic Buildings  
Experimental Study on Fire Performance of Weathered Cedar Journal article
Zhou, Biao, Yoshioka, Hideki, Noguchi, Takafumi, Wang, Xuan, Lam, Chi Chiu. Experimental Study on Fire Performance of Weathered Cedar[J]. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2019, 13(8), 1195-1208.
Authors:  Zhou, Biao;  Yoshioka, Hideki;  Noguchi, Takafumi;  Wang, Xuan;  Lam, Chi Chiu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:12 | Submit date:2022/08/06
Cone Calorimetry (Cone)  Durability Test  Weathering Test  Fire Protection  Woodenhistoric Buildings  
Numerical Simulation of Atrium Fire using Two CFD Tools Conference paper
V. K. Sin, L. M. Tam, S. K. Lao, H, F. Choi. Numerical Simulation of Atrium Fire using Two CFD Tools[C]:Tsinghua University Press and Springer, 2006.
Authors:  V. K. Sin;  L. M. Tam;  S. K. Lao;  H, F. Choi
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/04/16
Computational Fluid Dynamic  Fire Dynamics Simulator  National Fire Protection Association  Field Model  Computational Fluid Dynamic Code