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羅馬法實質錯誤(Error in Substantia)D. 18, 1, 9, 2文本翻譯考證 (A Textual Research on the Translation of D. 18, 1, 9, 2 on Error in Substantia in Roman Law) Journal article
NG KEI KEI. 羅馬法實質錯誤(Error in Substantia)D. 18, 1, 9, 2文本翻譯考證 (A Textual Research on the Translation of D. 18, 1, 9, 2 on Error in Substantia in Roman Law)[J]. 拉丁語言文化研究 (Journal of Latin Language and Culture), 2024, 12.
Authors:  NG KEI KEI
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/08/31
Error In Substantia  D. 18, 1, 9, 2  实质错误  本体错误  本质错误  Error In Substantia  D. 18, 1, 9, 2  Mistake Regarding Substance  Substantial Mistake  Essential Mistake  
《民法中的哲學:民法上實質(substantia)與本質(essentia)理論的古典哲學起源與演變》 Thesis
吳奇琦. 《民法中的哲學:民法上實質(substantia)與本質(essentia)理論的古典哲學起源與演變》[D]. 澳門, 澳門大學, 2018, 742.
Authors:  吳奇琦
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/23
實質  本體  本質  加工  實質錯誤  法律行為要素  形式  質料  羅馬法  希臘哲學  亞里士多德哲學  經院哲學  形而上學  形上學  Substance  Substantia  Substantialiam  Essence  Essentia  Essentialism  Specification  Error In Substantia  Essentialia Negotii  Form  Forma  Matter  Materia  Roman Law  Greek Philosophy  Aristotle  Aristotelianism  Scholasticism  Metaphysics