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Engagement in Intermittent Fasting is Prospectively Associated With Higher Body Mass Index, Higher Eating Disorder Psychopathology, and Lower Intuitive Eating in Chinese Adults Journal article
He, Jinbo, Chen, Xi, Cui, Tianxiang, Xiao, Yueyang, Barnhart, Wesley R., Wang, Yitong, Yi, Shouhe, Nagata, Jason M.. Engagement in Intermittent Fasting is Prospectively Associated With Higher Body Mass Index, Higher Eating Disorder Psychopathology, and Lower Intuitive Eating in Chinese Adults[J]. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2024.
Authors:  He, Jinbo;  Chen, Xi;  Cui, Tianxiang;  Xiao, Yueyang;  Barnhart, Wesley R.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.7/5.3 | Submit date:2024/12/05
Body Mass Index  Chinese Adults  Eating Disorder Psychopathology  Intermittent Fasting  Intuitive Eating  Longitudinal Design  Muscularity-oriented Disordered Eating  Psychosocial Impairment  
Basic psychological needs as an explanation of body image and eating pathways to adolescent adjustment: a prospective study testing an integrated self-determination theory model Journal article
Yu, Shi, He, Ziyi Zoey, Cui, Tianxiang, He, Jinbo. Basic psychological needs as an explanation of body image and eating pathways to adolescent adjustment: a prospective study testing an integrated self-determination theory model[J]. Motivation and Emotion, 2024, 48(2), 170-185.
Authors:  Yu, Shi;  He, Ziyi Zoey;  Cui, Tianxiang;  He, Jinbo
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:1.7/3.5 | Submit date:2024/05/02
Self-determination Theory  Body Image  Eating Disorder Psychopathology  Adjustment  Longitudinal