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Early-age interaction mechanism between the graphene oxide and cement hydrates Journal article
Lu, Zeyu, Li, Xiangyu, Hanif, Asad, Chen, Binmeng, Parthasarathy, Pavithra, Yu, Jinguang, Li, Zongjin. Early-age interaction mechanism between the graphene oxide and cement hydrates[J]. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2017, 152, 232-239.
Authors:  Lu, Zeyu;  Li, Xiangyu;  Hanif, Asad;  Chen, Binmeng;  Parthasarathy, Pavithra; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:143 TC[Scopus]:167  IF:7.4/8.0 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Early-age Interaction  Graphene Oxide (Go)  Cement Paste  Hydration  Microstructures  Drying Shrinkage