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Proposal and Synthesis Design of Multi-band Filtering Power Dividers Conference paper
Gang Zhang, Zhuowei Zhang, Rui Li, Lei Zhu. Proposal and Synthesis Design of Multi-band Filtering Power Dividers[C], 2021.
Authors:  Gang Zhang;  Zhuowei Zhang;  Rui Li;  Lei Zhu
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Direct Synthesis Design  Filtering Power Divider  Multiband  Multiport  Phase Distribution  
Synthesis design of a wideband impedance transformer consisting of two-section coupled lines Journal article
Wu, Qiongsen, Zhu, Lei. Synthesis design of a wideband impedance transformer consisting of two-section coupled lines[J]. IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION, 2017, 11(1), 144-150.
Authors:  Wu, Qiongsen;  Zhu, Lei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:1.1/1.4 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Impedance Convertors  Network Synthesis  Frequency Response  Wideband Impedance Transformer  Two-section Coupled Lines  Synthesis Design  Reflection Zeros  Chebyshev-function Frequency Response  Direct Synthesis Approach  Impedance-transformation Ratio  Passband Return Loss  Equal-ripple Rl  Operating Bandwidth