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Single Channel Based Interference-Free and Self-Powered Human–Machine Interactive Interface Using Eigenfrequency-Dominant Mechanism Journal article
Ding, Sen, Zhao, Dazhe, Chen, Yongyao, Dai, Ziyi, Zhao, Qian, Gao, Yibo, Zhong, Junwen, Luo, Jianyi, Zhou, Bingpu. Single Channel Based Interference-Free and Self-Powered Human–Machine Interactive Interface Using Eigenfrequency-Dominant Mechanism[J]. Advanced Science, 2024, 11(13), 2302782.
Authors:  Ding, Sen;  Zhao, Dazhe;  Chen, Yongyao;  Dai, Ziyi;  Zhao, Qian; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:14.3/16.3 | Submit date:2024/05/02
Damped Oscillation  Eigenfrequency  Human–machine Interaction  Interference-free  Self-powered  
Design of parallel coil arrays with identifiable eigenfrequency elements for wearable human-machine interactions Journal article
Ding, Sen, Fang, Dan, Liang, Yuanzhe, Dai, Wenxue, Qi, Biao, Zhou, Bingpu. Design of parallel coil arrays with identifiable eigenfrequency elements for wearable human-machine interactions[J]. Applied Materials Today, 2024, 36, 102039.
Authors:  Ding, Sen;  Fang, Dan;  Liang, Yuanzhe;  Dai, Wenxue;  Qi, Biao; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:7.2/7.8 | Submit date:2024/03/07
Human-machine Interaction  Eigenfrequency  Damped Oscillation  Coils In Parallel  Wearable Interface