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A two-step inexact Newton-Chebyshev-like method for inverse eigenvalue problems Journal article
Wen,Chao Tao, Chen,Xiao Shan, Sun,Hai Wei. A two-step inexact Newton-Chebyshev-like method for inverse eigenvalue problems[J]. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2020, 585, 241-262.
Authors:  Wen,Chao Tao;  Chen,Xiao Shan;  Sun,Hai Wei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:1.0/1.1 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Chebyshev Method  Cubical Convergence  Inexact Newton-like Method  Inverse Eigenvalue Problem  Two-step  
A two-step inexact Newton-Chebyshev-like method for inverse eigenvalue problems Journal article
Wen, C.T., Chen, X.S., Sun, H. W.. A two-step inexact Newton-Chebyshev-like method for inverse eigenvalue problems[J]. Linear Algegra and its Applications, 2020, 241-262.
Authors:  Wen, C.T.;  Chen, X.S.;  Sun, H. W.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:1.0/1.1 | Submit date:2022/07/25
Inverse Eigenvalue Problem  Two-step  Inexact Newton-like Method  Chebyshev Method  Cubical Convergence