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Sparse scattered high performance computing data driven artificial neural networks for multi-dimensional optimization of buoyancy driven heat and mass transfer in porous structures Journal article
Su,Yan, Ng,Tiniao, Li,Zhigang, Davidson,Jane H.. Sparse scattered high performance computing data driven artificial neural networks for multi-dimensional optimization of buoyancy driven heat and mass transfer in porous structures[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 397, 125257.
Authors:  Su,Yan;  Ng,Tiniao;  Li,Zhigang;  Davidson,Jane H.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:13.3/13.2 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Artificial Neural Network  Controllable Structure Generation Scheme  High Performance Computing  Objective Function  Parallel Non-dimensional Lattice Boltzmann Method  
Sparse scattered high performance computing data driven artificial neural networks for multi-dimensional optimization of buoyancy driven heat and mass transfer in porous structures Journal article
Su, Y., Ng, T.I., Li, Z.G., Davidson, J.H.. Sparse scattered high performance computing data driven artificial neural networks for multi-dimensional optimization of buoyancy driven heat and mass transfer in porous structures[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 125257-125257.
Authors:  Su, Y.;  Ng, T.I.;  Li, Z.G.;  Davidson, J.H.
Favorite |   IF:13.3/13.2 | Submit date:2023/08/16
Artificial neural network  Controllable structure generation scheme  High performance computing  Objective function  Parallel non-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method