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Analysis of norepinephrine-regulated cerebral lymphatic drainage by the second near-infrared region in vivo imaging Journal article
Xi Li, Tianhao Yang, Zhongyang Zhang, Shengnan Wu, Zhen Yuan, Feifan Zhou. Analysis of norepinephrine-regulated cerebral lymphatic drainage by the second near-infrared region in vivo imaging[J]. APL Photonics, 2024, 9(7), 070801.
Authors:  Xi Li;  Tianhao Yang;  Zhongyang Zhang;  Shengnan Wu;  Zhen Yuan; et al.
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:5.4/5.6 | Submit date:2024/08/28
Near Infrared Region  Visual System  Anesthesia  Central Nervous System,  Circadian Rhythms  
Morning larks travel more than night owls? Chronotypical effect on travel frequency through novelty seeking Journal article
Chark,Robin, Lam,Long W., Fong,Lawrence Hoc Nang. Morning larks travel more than night owls? Chronotypical effect on travel frequency through novelty seeking[J]. Tourism Management, 2020, 77(104035).
Authors:  Chark,Robin;  Lam,Long W.;  Fong,Lawrence Hoc Nang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:19  IF:10.9/11.5 | Submit date:2021/03/17
Chronotype  Morningness–eveningness  Diurnal Preference  Circadian Rhythms  Novelty Seeking  Travel Frequency