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Extradition treaties and emerging market firms’ host country location choice Journal article
HU TIANYOU, Yu Shu, Andrew Delios. Extradition treaties and emerging market firms’ host country location choice[J]. Journal of World Business, 2024, 59(4), 101542.
Authors:  HU TIANYOU;  Yu Shu;  Andrew Delios
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Chinese State-owned Enterprises  Emerging Market Firms  Extradition  Fdi  Interstate Cooperation  Location Choice  
Extradition treaties and emerging market firms’ host country location choice✰ Journal article
Hu, Tianyou, Yu, Shu, Delios, Andrew. Extradition treaties and emerging market firms’ host country location choice✰[J]. Journal of World Business, 2024, 59(4), 101542.
Authors:  Hu, Tianyou;  Yu, Shu;  Delios, Andrew
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:8.9/9.2 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Chinese State-owned Enterprises  Emerging Market Firms  Extradition  Fdi  Interstate Cooperation  Location Choice  
When Housing Markets Meet Shadow Banking: Bubbles, Mortgages, Securitization, and Fintech Book
Lai, Rose Neng, Van Order, R.. When Housing Markets Meet Shadow Banking: Bubbles, Mortgages, Securitization, and Fintech[M]. Singapore:World Scientific Publishing Company Inc., 2024, 1-364.
Authors:  Lai, Rose Neng;  Van Order, R.
JPEG | Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2022/06/15
Housing Market Bubbles  Shadow Banking  Securitization  Mortgage Markets  U.s. Housing Markets  Chinese Housing Markets  
Successes and challenges of China’s health care reform: a four-decade perspective spanning 1985—2023 Journal article
Jakovljevic, Mihajlo, Chang, Hanyu, Pan, Jay, Guo, Chao, Hui, Jin, Hu, Hao, Grujic, Danko, Li, Zhong, Shi, Lizheng. Successes and challenges of China’s health care reform: a four-decade perspective spanning 1985—2023[J]. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 2023, 21(1), 59.
Authors:  Jakovljevic, Mihajlo;  Chang, Hanyu;  Pan, Jay;  Guo, Chao;  Hui, Jin; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:33 TC[Scopus]:33  IF:1.7/2.1 | Submit date:2023/09/21
Chinese Health Reform  Demand  Industry  Insurance Policy  Manufacturing  Market  Medical Care  Medical Devices  Perspective  Pharmaceuticals  Standards  Supply  
Opportunities and hurdles to European market access for multi-herbal traditional Chinese medicine products: An analysis of EU regulations for combination herbal medicinal products Journal article
Liping Qu, Xiuli Li, Yin Xiong, Zhun Wang, Yuehua Zhou, Wejun Zou, Jianyuan Tang, Mei Wang. Opportunities and hurdles to European market access for multi-herbal traditional Chinese medicine products: An analysis of EU regulations for combination herbal medicinal products[J]. PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2022, 186, 106528.
Authors:  Liping Qu;  Xiuli Li;  Yin Xiong;  Zhun Wang;  Yuehua Zhou; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:9.1/9.0 | Submit date:2023/01/30
European Union  Herbal Medicinal Product  Multi-herbal Formula  Market Access  Traditional Chinese Medicine  
The effects of a structural reform on corporate outcomes in China: a generalized propensity score matching approach Journal article
Fai Lim Loi, Zhuo Qiao. The effects of a structural reform on corporate outcomes in China: a generalized propensity score matching approach[J]. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2022, 58(6), 1590-1601.
Authors:  Fai Lim Loi;  Zhuo Qiao
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.8/3.2 | Submit date:2022/08/11
Short Selling  Margin Trading  Chinese Stock Market  
Margin purchases, short sales and stock return volatility in China: Evidence from the COVID-19 outbreak Journal article
Lin, Yongjia, Wang, Yizhi, Fu, Xiaoqing (Maggie). Margin purchases, short sales and stock return volatility in China: Evidence from the COVID-19 outbreak[J]. Finance Research Letters, 2022, 46, 102351.
Authors:  Lin, Yongjia;  Wang, Yizhi;  Fu, Xiaoqing (Maggie)
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:7.4/7.6 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Chinese Stock Market  Covid-19 Outbreak  Margin Purchases  Short Sales  Volatility Innovation  
Key quality factors for Chinese herbal medicines entering the EU market Journal article
Mei Wang, Pei-Fen Yao, Peng-Yue Sun, Wen Liang, Xiao-Jia Chen. Key quality factors for Chinese herbal medicines entering the EU market[J]. Chinese Medicine, 2022, 17, 29.
Authors:  Mei Wang;  Pei-Fen Yao;  Peng-Yue Sun;  Wen Liang;  Xiao-Jia Chen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:14 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:5.3/5.5 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Chinese Herbal Medicines  Chinese Pharmacopoeia  European Herbal Medicine Legislation  European Market  European Pharmacopoeia  Quality Requirements  
Market access of Chinese patent medicine products to healthcare security system in China: implications for international integration of traditional medicine into health systems Journal article
Xia, Chenglai, Yao, Dongning, Lai, Yunfeng, Xue, Yan, Hu, Hao. Market access of Chinese patent medicine products to healthcare security system in China: implications for international integration of traditional medicine into health systems[J]. Chinese Medicine, 2022, 17(1).
Authors:  Xia, Chenglai;  Yao, Dongning;  Lai, Yunfeng;  Xue, Yan;  Hu, Hao
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:5.3/5.5 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Chinese Medicine  Chinese Patent Medicine  Healthcare Security System  Market Access  Pharmacoeconomics  Price Negotiation  
Blockholders and Corporate Governance: Evidence from China's Split-Share-Structure Reform Journal article
Qian, X.L., Tam, L.H.K.. Blockholders and Corporate Governance: Evidence from China's Split-Share-Structure Reform[J]. Review of Accounting and Finance, 2021, 20(1), 53-83.
Authors:  Qian, X.L.;  Tam, L.H.K.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:3.6/2.5 | Submit date:2022/07/27
Blockholders  Contestability  Top Executive Turnover  Split-share-structure Reform  Chinese Stock Market