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Caregivers’ joint depressive symptoms and preschoolers’ daily routines in Chinese three-generation families: Does household chaos matter? Journal article
Yongqiang Jiang, Ting He, Xiuyun Lin, Qing Zhou, Qinglu Wu. Caregivers’ joint depressive symptoms and preschoolers’ daily routines in Chinese three-generation families: Does household chaos matter?[J]. Current Psychology, 2021, 42(5), 3760–3768.
Authors:  Yongqiang Jiang;  Ting He;  Xiuyun Lin;  Qing Zhou;  Qinglu Wu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:2.5/2.6 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Child Routines  Depressive Symptoms  Household Chaos  Three-generation Families  
Child routines mediate the relationship between parenting and social-emotional development in Chinese children Journal article
Lixin Ren, Bi Ying Hu, Zhanmei Song. Child routines mediate the relationship between parenting and social-emotional development in Chinese children[J]. Children and Youth Services Review, 2019, 98, 1-9.
Authors:  Lixin Ren;  Bi Ying Hu;  Zhanmei Song
Favorite | TC[WOS]:18 TC[Scopus]:19  IF:2.4/3.0 | Submit date:2019/08/07
Behavioral Problems  Child Routines  Chinese Parenting Practices  Elementary School Students  Social Skills