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Charge convertibility and near infrared photon co-enhanced cisplatin chemotherapy based on upconversion nanoplatform Journal article
Xu J., Kuang Y., Lv R., Yang P., Li C., Bi H., Liu B., Yang D., Dai Y., Gai S., He F., Xing B., Lin J.. Charge convertibility and near infrared photon co-enhanced cisplatin chemotherapy based on upconversion nanoplatform[J]. Biomaterials, 2017, 130, 42-55.
Authors:  Xu J.;  Kuang Y.;  Lv R.;  Yang P.;  Li C.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:80 TC[Scopus]:81 | Submit date:2019/01/15
Bioimaging  Charge Convertibility  Nir Photon  Pt(Iv) Prodrug  Upconversion