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4T1 Cell Membrane-Coated Pdots with NIR-II Absorption and Fluorescence Properties for Targeted Phototheranostics of Breast Tumors Journal article
Guo, Jintong, Liu, Ye, Liang, Xiao, Chen, Zhiyi, Liu, Bin, Yuan, Zhen. 4T1 Cell Membrane-Coated Pdots with NIR-II Absorption and Fluorescence Properties for Targeted Phototheranostics of Breast Tumors[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16(48), 66425-66435.
Authors:  Guo, Jintong;  Liu, Ye;  Liang, Xiao;  Chen, Zhiyi;  Liu, Bin; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:8.3/8.7 | Submit date:2024/12/05
Biomimetic Pdots  Photothermal Therapy  Fluorescence Imaging  Photoacoustic Imaging  Second Near-infrared Window