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Asperosaponin VI ameliorates the CMS-induced depressive-like behaviors by inducing a neuroprotective microglial phenotype in hippocampus via PPAR-γ pathway Journal article
Jiang, Xue, Yi, Saini, Liu, Qin, Su, Dapeng, Li, Liangyuan, Xiao, Chenghong, Zhang, Jinqiang. Asperosaponin VI ameliorates the CMS-induced depressive-like behaviors by inducing a neuroprotective microglial phenotype in hippocampus via PPAR-γ pathway[J]. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2022, 19, 115.
Authors:  Jiang, Xue;  Yi, Saini;  Liu, Qin;  Su, Dapeng;  Li, Liangyuan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:49 TC[Scopus]:51  IF:9.3/9.8 | Submit date:2022/08/02
Asperosaponin Vi  Depression  Microglia  Hippocampus  Ppar-γ  Neuroinflammatory