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The Role of Alexithymia and Moral Disengagement in Childhood Physical Abuse and Depressive Symptoms: A Comparative Study Among Rural and Urban Chinese College Students Journal article
Lu, Xinyong, Li, Zixuan, Zhu, Xianfeng, Li, Dong, Wei, Jiahui. The Role of Alexithymia and Moral Disengagement in Childhood Physical Abuse and Depressive Symptoms: A Comparative Study Among Rural and Urban Chinese College Students[J]. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2024, 17, 3197-3210.
Authors:  Lu, Xinyong;  Li, Zixuan;  Zhu, Xianfeng;  Li, Dong;  Wei, Jiahui
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.8/3.5 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Childhood Physical Abuse  Depressive Symptoms  Alexithymia  Moral Disengagement  Urban-rural Areas  
The relationship between insecure attachment and alexithymia: A meta-analysis Journal article
Zhang,Juan, Zhang,Yihan, Mao,Yidi, Wang,Yihui. The relationship between insecure attachment and alexithymia: A meta-analysis[J]. Current Psychology, 2024, 43(7), 5804-5825.
Authors:  Zhang,Juan;  Zhang,Yihan;  Mao,Yidi;  Wang,Yihui
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:2.5/2.6 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Alexithymia  Insecure Attachment  Meta-analysis  Moderator Analysis