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Raman spectroscopy of single wall carbon nanotubes grown in zeolite crystals Conference paper
Hulman M., Kuzmany H., Dubay O., Kresse G., Li L., Tang Z.K., Knoll P., Kaindl R.. Raman spectroscopy of single wall carbon nanotubes grown in zeolite crystals[C], 2004, 1071-1075.
Authors:  Hulman M.;  Kuzmany H.;  Dubay O.;  Kresse G.;  Li L.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:20 TC[Scopus]:20 | Submit date:2019/04/08
A. cA.bon nA.otubes  C. Raman  
Structural study of the 0.4-nm single-walled carbon nanotubes aligned in channels of AlPO4-5 crystal Journal article
Li G.D., Tang Z.K., Wang N., Chen J.S.. Structural study of the 0.4-nm single-walled carbon nanotubes aligned in channels of AlPO4-5 crystal[J]. Carbon, 2002, 40(6), 917-921.
Authors:  Li G.D.;  Tang Z.K.;  Wang N.;  Chen J.S.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:41 TC[Scopus]:43 | Submit date:2019/04/08
A. cA.bon nA.otubes  B. Pyrolysis  C. Transmission eleC.ron (Tem)  Raman Spectroscopy