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Fusion of three-dimensional geotechnical and geophysical data for developing digital twin of underground space Journal article
Guan, Zheng, Wang, Yu. Fusion of three-dimensional geotechnical and geophysical data for developing digital twin of underground space[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2024, 64(6), 101528.
Authors:  Guan, Zheng;  Wang, Yu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.3/4.1 | Submit date:2024/12/26
3d Model  Compressive Sampling  Data Fusion  Geophysical Data  Underground Digital Twin  
Numerical simulation acceleration of flat-chip solid oxide cell stacks by data-driven surrogate cell submodels Journal article
Chi, Yingtian, Hu, Qiang, Lin, Jin, Qiu, Yiwei, Mu, Shujun, Li, Wenying, Song, Yonghua. Numerical simulation acceleration of flat-chip solid oxide cell stacks by data-driven surrogate cell submodels[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 553.
Authors:  Chi, Yingtian;  Hu, Qiang;  Lin, Jin;  Qiu, Yiwei;  Mu, Shujun; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:8.1/8.3 | Submit date:2023/02/08
3d Multiphysics Model  Adaptive Polynomial Approximation  Computational Cost  Data-driven  Flat-chip Solid Oxide Cell  
Efficient three-dimensional soil liquefaction potential and reconsolidation settlement assessment from limited CPTs considering spatial variability Journal article
Guan, Zheng, Wang, Yu, Stuedlein, Armin W.. Efficient three-dimensional soil liquefaction potential and reconsolidation settlement assessment from limited CPTs considering spatial variability[J]. SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, 2022, 163, 107518.
Authors:  Guan, Zheng;  Wang, Yu;  Stuedlein, Armin W.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:4.2/4.5 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Liquefaction  Compressive Sampling  Differential Settlement  Spatial Variability  3d Model  Cone Penetration Test  
An elastic–viscoplastic constitutive model incorporating shear dilation characteristic Journal article
Pan Ding, Yayuan Hu, Wanhuan Zhou, Xingwang Liu, Riqing Xu. An elastic–viscoplastic constitutive model incorporating shear dilation characteristic[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020, 13(19).
Authors:  Pan Ding;  Yayuan Hu;  Wanhuan Zhou;  Xingwang Liu;  Riqing Xu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:1.827/1.985 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Sand  Time Dependence  3d Elastic–viscoplastic Constitutive Model  Shear Dilation  Equivalent Time Method  
A FBG Tilt Sensor Fabricated Using 3D Printing Technique for Monitoring Ground Movement Journal article
Hong, Chengyu, Zhang, Yifan, Lu, Zhao, Yin, Zhenyu. A FBG Tilt Sensor Fabricated Using 3D Printing Technique for Monitoring Ground Movement[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, 19(15), 6392-6399.
Authors:  Hong, Chengyu;  Zhang, Yifan;  Lu, Zhao;  Yin, Zhenyu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:41 TC[Scopus]:48  IF:4.3/4.2 | Submit date:2022/05/17
3d Printing  Fbg  Fused Deposition Modeling  Slope Model  Tilt Sensors  
A novel sketch-based three-dimensional shape retrieval method using multi-view convolutional neural network Journal article
Mao, Dianhui, Hao, Zhihao. A novel sketch-based three-dimensional shape retrieval method using multi-view convolutional neural network[J]. Symmetry, 2019, 11(5).
Authors:  Mao, Dianhui;  Hao, Zhihao
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:10 | Submit date:2022/05/17
3d Model  Novel Feature Representations Method  Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks  
Design and Development of Virtual Dressing Room System Based on Kinect Journal article
Mok, K., Wong, C., Choi, S., Zhang, L.. Design and Development of Virtual Dressing Room System Based on Kinect[J]. International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2018, 39-46.
Authors:  Mok, K.;  Wong, C.;  Choi, S.;  Zhang, L.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/31
Virtual Dressing Room  Kinect  3d Model Customization  Garments Design  Motion Detection  
Rapid identification of anti-micrometastases drugs using integrated model systems with 2D monolayer, 3D spheroids and zebrafish xenotransplantation tumors Journal article
Fu, A, Peh, YM, Ngan, W, Wei, N, Luo, KQ. Rapid identification of anti-micrometastases drugs using integrated model systems with 2D monolayer, 3D spheroids and zebrafish xenotransplantation tumors[J]. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2018, 2828-2843.
Authors:  Fu, A;  Peh, YM;  Ngan, W;  Wei, N;  Luo, KQ
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:15 | Submit date:2022/08/26
Anti-metastasis Drug Discovery  3d Tumor Spheroids  Zebrafish Xenograft Tumor Model  Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (Fret)  Pi3k/akt Pathway  
A systemic point-cloud de-noising and smoothing method for 3D shape reuse Conference paper
Yang Z.X., Xiao D.. A systemic point-cloud de-noising and smoothing method for 3D shape reuse[C], 2012, 1722-1727.
Authors:  Yang Z.X.;  Xiao D.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:7 | Submit date:2018/12/22
3d Model  De-noising  Design Reuse  Meshes Smoothing  
Feature based similarity measures of 3D models Conference paper
Yang Z., Xiao D.. Feature based similarity measures of 3D models[C], 2011, 639-644.
Authors:  Yang Z.;  Xiao D.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2018/12/22
3d Model  Design Reuse  Shape Feature  Similarity Measures