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FED STEAM Team: 影子和我 Courseware
适用对象: 50 (P3), 2024-11-06
Authors:  向炫谕;  羅黃尹;  黃詩敏;  萬菁;  王晴; et al.
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Steam  問題導向學習  科學探究過程  繪本 (圖畫書) 閱讀  Self-regulated Learning  影子  創意繪畫  
從「東方」意象到東方之「子」——達•芬奇與「東方」問題再研究(上) Journal article
LI JUN. 從「東方」意象到東方之「子」——達•芬奇與「東方」問題再研究(上)[J]. 《美術研究》雜誌, 2022(5), 10.
Authors:  LI JUN
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/09/08
“東方”意象  中國繪畫  圖式  科學  藝術  東方之“子”  
A practice of feminine sentence discoursing art Journal article
Lo, Y. Y. P.. A practice of feminine sentence discoursing art[J]. Arts Review, 2013, 35-60.
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
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藝術  書寫  繪畫  女性書寫  性別差異  
一趟女性書寫的藝術 Journal article
羅婉儀. 一趟女性書寫的藝術[J]. 藝術評論, 2013(25), 35-61.
Authors:  羅婉儀
Favorite |  | Submit date:2021/02/26
藝術  書寫  繪畫  女性書寫  性別差異  
A room – traces of drawing, an installation and beyond Journal article
Lo, Y. Y. P.. A room – traces of drawing, an installation and beyond[J]. Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies, 2013, 454-473.
Authors:  Lo, Y. Y. P.
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繪畫  房間  「女書」  女性藝術創作  差異實踐