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Social capital and health information seeking behavior in China Journal article
Lu, QianfengC, Chang, Angela, Yu, Guoming, Yang, Ya, Schulz, P.eter J. Social capital and health information seeking behavior in China[J]. Social capital and health information seeking behavior in China. BMC Public Health, 22, 1525., 2022, 22(1525), 13.
Authors:  Lu, QianfengC;  Chang, Angela;  Yu, Guoming;  Yang, Ya;  Schulz, P.eter J
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:3.5/3.9 | Submit date:2022/08/25
Keywords: Social Capital, Social Support, Social Networks, Health Information-seeking Behavior  
在合作區引進外籍家政服務人員需求分析及政策研究 Project
项目类型: Others, 项目编号: 橫琴深度合作區政府的委託, 2022-2022
Authors:  陳建新Kin Sun CHAN;  梁靜姮 Leong Cheng Hang;  呂冬娟;  彭祥佑
Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/08/26
Communicative blame in online communication of the COVID-19 pandemic: Computational approach of stigmatizing cues and negative sentiment gauged with automated analytic techniques Journal article
Chang, Angela, Schulz, Peter Johannes, Tu, Sheng Tsung, Liu, Matthew Tingchi. Communicative blame in online communication of the COVID-19 pandemic: Computational approach of stigmatizing cues and negative sentiment gauged with automated analytic techniques[J]. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020, 22(11), e21504.
Authors:  Chang, Angela;  Schulz, Peter Johannes;  Tu, Sheng Tsung;  Liu, Matthew Tingchi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:28 TC[Scopus]:30  IF:5.8/6.7 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Blame  Communication  Covid-19  Culprits  Infodemic  Infodemic Analysis  Infodemiology  Infoveillance  Negativity  Pandemic  Placing Blame  Political Grievances  Sentiment Analysis  Social Media  Stigma  
Interpreting Main Effect with Moderation -- A View Through the Prism of Causal Dissection Conference
Shanghai, 会议类型: 國內會議Domestic Conferences,
Authors:  Zhao XS(趙心樹)
Microsoft Powerpoint | Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/28
Regression  Mediation  Moderation  Curvilinearity  Confounding  Causal Dissection  Plenty And Parity Analysis  Main Effect  On-group Effect  In-group Effect  Typology Of Moderation