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Rasch Modelling of a Scale that Explores the Take-Up of Physics Among School Students from the Perspective of Teachers Book chapter
出自: Applications of Rasch Measurement in Learning Environments Research, ROTTERDAM:SENSE PUBLISHERS, 2011, 页码:119-139
Authors:  Pey-Tee Oon;  R. Subramaniam
Favorite |  | Submit date:2021/05/07
Physics Enrolment  Rasch Model  Rating Scale Analysis  Differential Item Functioning  Unidimensionality  Principal Component Analysis  Standardised Residuals  Person-item Map  Category Probability Curves  
The changes in science curricula in China after 1976: A reflective review Book chapter
出自: Science Education Research in Asia, Boston:Sense Publishers, 2010, 页码:89-102
Authors:  Wei, B.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/27
curriculum  China