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Lin Shaoyang, 明清基礎教育體系與民眾讀寫能力:“漢字革命”之長時段重審[The Educational System and Popular Literacy in the Ming and Qing Dynasties: A Reexamination of the Chinese Script Revolution through a Longer Time Span] Journal article
LIN SHAOYANG. Lin Shaoyang, 明清基礎教育體系與民眾讀寫能力:“漢字革命”之長時段重審[The Educational System and Popular Literacy in the Ming and Qing Dynasties: A Reexamination of the Chinese Script Revolution through a Longer Time Span][J]. 中山大學學報社會科學版【Journal of Sun Yatsen University(Social Science Edition)】, 2025.
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