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Wafer-Scale GaN-Si(100) Monolithic Heterogeneous Integration Inverters With Improved Output Voltage Swing and Fast Switching Capability by Transfer Printing and Self-Aligned Etching Technology Journal article
Fan, Yutong, Zhang, Weihang, Liu, Zhihong, Zhao, Shenglei, Jiang, Yang, Mak, Pui In, Hao, Yue, Zhang, Jincheng. Wafer-Scale GaN-Si(100) Monolithic Heterogeneous Integration Inverters With Improved Output Voltage Swing and Fast Switching Capability by Transfer Printing and Self-Aligned Etching Technology[J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2024.
Authors:  Fan, Yutong;  Zhang, Weihang;  Liu, Zhihong;  Zhao, Shenglei;  Jiang, Yang; et al.
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Cmos  Gallium Nitride (Gan)  Inverter  Monolithic Heterogeneous Integration  Si  Wafer-scale