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Physical restraint for psychiatric patients and its associations with clinical characteristics and the National Mental Health Law in China Journal article
An, FR, Sha, S, Zhang, QE, Ungvari, GS, Ng, CH, Chiu, HFK, Wu, PP, Jin, X, Zhou, JS, Tang, YL, Xiang, YT. Physical restraint for psychiatric patients and its associations with clinical characteristics and the National Mental Health Law in China[J]. Psychiatry Research, 2016, 241, 154-158.
Authors:  An, FR;  Sha, S;  Zhang, QE;  Ungvari, GS;  Ng, CH; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:21 TC[Scopus]:21  IF:4.2/5.3 | Submit date:2019/01/07
Physical Restraint  Aggression  China  Psychiatric Inpatients